狂风 发表于 2022-1-9 14:43:01

卡罗丽娜·普罗森科Karolina Protsenko,美国天才小提琴手

卡罗丽娜·普罗森科Karolina Protsenko是一位13岁的小提琴表演艺术家,她于2008年10月3日出生在乌克兰的一个音乐家庭;2015年卡罗丽娜6岁时,一家人搬到了美国;同年,她开始学习小提琴,并接受古典音乐训练。卡罗丽娜于2017年夏天在加州圣莫尼卡开始街头表演;由于其精湛的小提琴技术,天真烂漫极富感染力的表演,在短短两三年内,获得了几百万的粉丝。


Karolina Protsenko is 13 years old performing vioinist, who was born on October 3rd, 2008 in Ukraine to a musical family. Her parents play guitar and piano. The Family moved to the United States in 2015 when Karolina was 6. Shestarted violin lessons the same year and is classically trained.Karolina began busking in Summer 2017 at Santa Monica, CA. She has 3 YouTube channels and is on Facebook and Instagram. In less than 3 years her fan base has grown into 5 million followers, in over 50 countries. Her videos on YouTube and other media sites have been viewed well over 500 million times and she has been featured on the Ellen show. She dreams to travel the world with her concerts and make people happy with her music.

狂风 发表于 2022-1-9 16:37:28

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